Tag Archives: Louis Armstrong


Isn’t that the word for the anniversary of a cinema?

Plimoth Cinema started up ten years ago….

2007 was an autumn of really bleak pictures.

We opened with

LaVie an rose poster

which is about the life of Edith Piaf. It’s sad story. The music  was wonderful, but mournful. Many of the movies of 2007 were pretty bleak.

There will be blood 2007

Well, you get the picture…

This was a short term project. We were just going to run movies two nights a week for a couple of weeks.

I volunteered to make the popcorn. As long as we used REAL butter, no substitutes.

Of course.

And although the subject matter of the films was down, down, downer…

Attendance kept going up, up, UP.

So much so that the short run ran longer, and before December was out, we were coming back not as a limited run, but a full out program.

Thus out of small beginnings…..

Besides the usual popcorn and candies, we also offered hot dogs and Indian Pudding at the Concession stand.

If I were to make Indian Pudding flavored popcorn….ginger, cinnamon, a little molasses and butter…..? I digress.

To Ed and Charlotte Russell , to Anne Phelan and Kathleen Curtin – thank you


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Filed under Influencers, popcorn